The only problem with aversion to change is that it sometimes stands in the way to achieve better efficiency and preserve energy. Someone with better overview of particular process finds procedure that increases efficiency (preserve energy), but we have to put some effort (energy) to learn it. With aversion to change in the action we will resist learning and keep lower efficiency. Good is that this prevents easy change in the opposite direction, to lower efficiency, as at least some of affected will analyze procedure and reject bad one. Bad is that we will use more energy every moment of our life.
Nobody will tell you that he is not for a progress, but everyone will rationalize why the change is not good and should be postponed, or completely avoided. I would put all individual reasons in two categories:
- nitpicking on side effects of a new method, that will be presented as key obstacles that have to be removed before method can be applied, and
- incompatibility with workarounds for deficiencies in the old one, which will be presented as unacceptable regressions in efficiency, and the reason to reject idea altogether until that is solved.
Life is like a road, when you see obstacle try to avoid it, but also check another route, and compare results. Use what is better. It is that simple and it is no different with anything else.