Temporary openSUSE Wiki is created few moths ago to allow test of new tools and content reorganization without disrupting daily operation of openSUSE Wiki. It is running on MediaWiki version 1.15.1. The basic software is already much better then the old version 1.5, but the goal is not only to have one time cleanup, but also to organize wiki that will provide benefits for all involved parties: visitors, writers and maintainers. To achieve this we added few extensions to the basic MediaWiki listed here .
Semantic MediaWiki is complex extension that has its own extensions.It can become one of our flagships, but at the time of this post I don't know much about it.
We already have working implementations of the following extensions:
CategoryTree is navigational tool, intended to provide compact list of other pages that user might want to visit. It is based on MediaWiki categories , which means that creation and maintenance of categories and its structure, is one of the primary tasks for all involved.
FlaggedRevs will allow better content quality control. It is set to show casual visitors only article revisions that passed quality control process. Editing is not prevented, so anyone can change page content, but that is hidden from visitors until some of reviewers check the article.
MultiBoilerplate is meant for simplified creation of articles, providing ready to go templates for different types of articles that wiki user can choose from drop down list. The openSUSE version is patched to allow different sets of templates for different namespaces.
InputBox provides 3 functions:
- Different modes search boxes,
- Creation of pages using predefined templates, which overlaps in functionality with MultiBoilerplate to some extent, but allows article writer tight control over used template.
- Adding comments to existing pages which can be used, for instance, to simplify collection of user comments, user contributed tips, simplify contribution to hardware compatibility list.
ParserFunctions allow some kind of macro language to be used in templates.
SimpleFeed is used to import feeds from other pages to the wiki. It was used in old wiki for the right column news.It can be used to import news to any of the portal pages.
VideoFlash is simple extension that allows author to embed YouTube and other Flash videos in the wiki pages.
SyntaxHighlight will make easier reading of the code snippets on the wiki page.
Tools for users and administrators:
SpecialInterwiki is a tool for wiki administrators.
Hermes Notify is our notification agent.